Saturday, November 17, 2012

Been Feeling Down

Sorry for disappearing for a while again guys... I just haven't been feeling up to writing much lately. I've had a terrible couple of weeks, but I'm hoping things get better soon. Right now, I have a week long break off from school. Hopefully some time spent at home with my family will help turn my mood around. I just feel a little lost. I'm probably the worst Ana blogger in the history of Ana bloggers. So, I apologize. But please know I will return and update on everything crazy that has been happening in my life. I just can't bear to type everything out right now... I can't seem to find the words.

To everyone who reads my blog, thank you so much for being so kind to me and supporting me without judgement. You have all been such dear friends. Sometimes I don't know what I would do if I had never discovered this wonderful community of people. I would probably be a whole lot worse off than I currently am... Thank you for listening. You don't know how much it means.

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