Friday, November 23, 2012

It Hurts!

I'm having the worst stomach pains! Yesterday I ate entirely too much. And all of it is catching up to me now. I feel so nauseous and bloated. I wish my stomach would just digest all of this food already. I need to flush my system. Nothing but water for the next 12 hours. That should help...

I am starting my diet today as well. I have an important event coming up in 3 weeks and I want to be smaller. :( I think I'm going to go back to a vegetarian diet for the time being. That seemed to really help with maintaining my weight and not gaining. I'm kind of excited to get back to that.

Something that's been bothering me is how unfit I am. I'm going to start working out again. I've been so busy with school that it's hard to find time for anything else lately. But I know that I need to make time for it now. Especially since I'm starting my diet. I'm more likely to lose weight with the combination of both than I am with just one. 

I really hope I can stick with this for the next 3 weeks... and hopefully longer! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey huni.. your poor stomach! keep drinking loads of water (sometimes warm/hot drinks help my digestive system speed up maybe you could try it??) Oh huni.. Please do whatever it takes to make you feel ok, if vegetarian works then do it, if it makes you happy.. I am wishing you all the best! x

    Love you loads darling!
