Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pushing On

I'm definitely feeling the negative effects of not eating for a while. I'm still getting nauseous when my stomach is empty. But now when I do eat, it messes up my entire digestive system. I don't even want to go into detail. I'm sure you all have experienced these things before. Not the most pleasant part about Ana. But I'm pushing on...

I glanced at myself in a mirror I was walking past today and noticed that my thighs don't touch when I walk anymore. Not even at the top. I almost cried. No lie. I'm scared to weigh myself, but hopefully the thigh gap is a good sign. I don't know why they don't touch anymore. They still look like fat, whale legs to me. Maybe my hips have gotten wider and spread my legs farther apart... It's got to be something like that. There's no way I've lost that must weight. I'm still huge.

I wish I looked half as good as her... ^^

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