Saturday, February 25, 2012


I decided to give up meat this year for Lent. I was already trying to stay away from meat in general, but thats a really hard thing to do when my mother cooks dinner for the family and asks why I'm "barely touching my favorite foods". So, I decided giving up meat for Lent would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe help me stay on track with losing weight before Spring Break. 

So, today is Day 4 without meat, and I feel pretty good! I've been much more aware of my diet, which has helped me eat healthier foods and stay at a low calorie intake. Wish me luck on the next 42 days of Lent!! 


  1. hey I didnt realise you had a blog, I shall read away :) I gave up meat as well for the exact same reasons, I hope it works for you xxx

    1. Thanks for reading and following my blog!! I read yours like everyday, so I'm glad you got to see mine too :) Happy reading!


    2. I would have read yours earlier :( but I didnt know it existed! I read yours start to finish last night.. the tips on liquid fasting were amazing I think I need to do a liquid fast soon :\ like now. lol Aw I am humbled that you read mine, or that anyone reads it infact Thank You so much!! xxxxx

    3. Of course! I'm humbled you read mine as well. It's nice to know I'm not out there alone in all of this...I appreciate having an ana friend who understands :)
