Saturday, February 4, 2012

A New Me

I'm tired.
Tired of being lazy. Tired of not losing. Tired of being disgusted when I look in the mirror.

There are no more excuses. The only thing stopping me is, well, me. But not anymore. I am so ready for change, its not even funny. Starting today, I am going to be A Brand New Me. A happier, more motivated, better version of myself.

I've discovered several things over the last week or so that are going to be of great help to me. The first is that water is my BEST FRIEND. I must keep water with me at all times. It subsides the hunger pains and makes me eat waaay less. Yeah, I have to pee every 20 minutes, but that's better than eating. Secondly, I've decided I'm cutting meat mostly out of my diet. I'm only going to eat meat when I have no choice (i.e. my mother makes dinner and insists I eat). Otherwise, I am staying away from it. I'm not really doing it for all of the humane reasons, but I've read some online articles, and there are a lot of health benefits to not eating meat. Besides, I've always thought of meat as being kind of dirty and greasy and filled with fat and calories. Last but not least, there will be absolutely no eating after 8:30PM. Personally, I feel disgusting when I eat late at night. If I eat past 8:30, there's almost no chance I'm going to be able to work those calories off. So, I'm preventing that with this new rule. At 8:30, I'm going to brush my teeth and stay as far away from the kitchen as I can.

Hopefully these new implementations really help. I'm already feeling better, and I've only been at it for a couple of days. Now I'm just praying to see some positive results on the scale...



  1. Sounds great! I'm sure before you know it you will start seeing the results.

  2. Please stop and just eating being thin is worth nothing!! Eat eat and enjoy life
