Thursday, December 22, 2011

Family Drama

I hate my parents. They are so controlling and overreact about every little thing. My mother has actual anger problems. Anytime you say anything that she doesn't agree with in the slightest, she completely flips out and goes into a rage and curses and screams. And then she's totally fine 10 minutes later. It's the most random small things that set her off. I've been telling her for years that she has a problem, but she refuses to listen to me. Today, she's gone off on me three times. I told her she needed some professional help, or I would leave. I can't take this anymore. She can be the best mother and friend I've ever had one minute, and then go completely ballistic the next minute. I don't understand her. My dad always sides with her though. After she flipped out on me for the 3rd time, my dad took my laptop. As if I should be punished for the way she acts! As if its my fault that she's like this nonstop! Yeah freaking right! I waited until they all left to go Christmas shopping and went into their room and took it back. I paid for this computer. They can't take it from me and think everything is going to be fine and dandy. I guess we'll see how angry my mom gets later when she sees that I took it back. Oh well... I guess I should be used to this by now...I wonder if my parents would care more about me if I was thinner. Probably not.

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