Monday, November 21, 2011

Let's Get To Know Each Other, Shall We?

The purpose of this blog is to share with you the story I call my life. Mainly dealing with my food issues... but I'll also talk about other aspects of my life, too. Family drama, boy problems, asking for and giving advice...everything.

A few things about me?

- I wanted to start this blog in hopes of getting my story out there, and reaching other Pro-Anas. I love the Pro-Ana online community. We really are a family, aren't we? 
- I'm 17 years old. I've struggled with food for most of my life. When I was younger, I was always "the fat friend". All of my friends were sticks. It sucked. I ballooned to my high weight of 139 when I was 15. That's when things got really bad. I knew I had to change. I got really depressed and hated everything about myself. But then a miracle happened. I became really sick. I developed stomach ulcers. Which basically means that there is a hole in the lining of your stomach and whenever you eat, the stomach acid digesting your food spills out of the hole and you experience excruciating stomach pains. So, after months of barely eating, I lost a lot of weight. (Which I've managed to maintain since then) Now, here I am. 17 and 114 lbs. A lot better than where I was 2 years ago, but I know I still have a long way to go!! I've been majorly slacking lately, and I'm really looking forward to reuniting with my long time friend, Ana. I can feel her luring me back in with her seductive, evil words. But we all love her, don't we? She's what keeps us going.



  1. Hey! its good to see another pro-ana blog! can't wait to read xxx

  2. Glad to have another blog to read. I find that blogging helps when I'm hungry, just type,type, type and eventually it goes away.
