Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Back to work.

Good news! I found a workout buddy. We've decided to work out together 3 days a week at a local gym. I'm really happy because I know it'll give me the extra motivation to get in shape if I have someone to hold me accountable for my workouts. We worked out together yesterday, took a break today, and we're going again tomorrow. It was really nice to hit the gym again, but holy crap I am so out of shape. It's sad how winded I get from running after only a minute on the treadmill. I just want to cry.

My roommate's like "You don't need to work out, you're already so thin!" Not really... I don't think people understand that someone can look "thin" in their clothes, but still have a lot of fat on their bodies. I have absolutely no muscle. It's all fat around my stomach and thighs and arms. It's disgusting.

I want to be toned, tan, and tiny. Ahhhhh think of how amazing that would be... I can picture it now. I'm going to work at this. Really work. I want to get in shape and lose weight. I won't stop until I look good naked. I will not fail. Not this time. I'm ready to work as hard as I have to.


  1. The workout-buddy thing sounds great! Good luck(:
    And I get what you mean about the fat-skinny thing--people always tell me because I've lost so much I mus be so fit but really I have next to no muscle, I'm just kind of a runner. I'm not toned in the slightest!

    1. I KNOW! It's crazy, right?! I really want to get more into running though. I've always enjoyed it. It frees the mind and is just plain relaxing to me.
