Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guess What?!

Guess what? I'm graduating from high school in a week. I'm so excited! I know I'm going to be really sad the last day of school, but right now I couldn't be happier. I am just ready to start a new chapter of my life. Go to college, redefine myself... That kind of thing.

And not only that, but I have had the privilege of working out in the on-campus gym many times. And I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I am going to be when I have my student membership and can use their wonderful, wonderful gym any time I want free of charge.

In other news, I think I'm going to try another fast. It's been awhile since I last tried to fast, but I've been eating like an absolute obese person the last few days. And its honestly depressing to me when my stomach is full. That's when I hate myself the most. I need to cleanse my system of all the nasty food I've been eating. Liquid fast: here I come.

1 comment:

  1. :) congrats on graduating hun, heres to an exciting new chapter in your life!

    I felt like that too before fasting - sometimes you need a good fast to stop feeling icky and sluggish..

    Whatever you choose I support you 100% :) I hope everything works out okay :) lots of love xx
