Sunday, May 27, 2012

Black Out.

I passed out. In front of my entire family. It was bad.

I was in the middle of my fast. I hadn't eaten in two days. I know you're supposed to take it easy when you're fasting, and that's what I had been doing. But my sister asked me to do some yard work with her outside, and I said yes. Mistake #1. After being outside in the heat for a while, I started to become really tired. That's when I realized I hadn't drunk any water all day. Mistake #2. I sort of stumbled into the house to get some water, and I started getting really dizzy. So, I sat down in the kitchen for a minute and tried to regain my balance. I got myself a glass of water and drank it, and then started walking towards my room. But as I was passing through the living room (where my whole family was), my vision went black and I could feel myself falling. I hit the floor, and that was it.

When I came to, I was laying on my back with a cool washcloth on my forehead and my family was standing around me. Apparently they had all freaked when I went down. My sister told my mom that I hadn't eaten yet that day (that little rat), and my mom told me I needed to be more careful and make sure I was eating plenty, especially if I was going to be working outside. Other than that, I don't think anyone is suspicious of me. But my mom walked me to my bedroom and made me rest and eat crackers. I only ate five though, which is 60 calories total.

Honestly, it scared me a little. I don't like passing out. I've only passed out twice, and both times were from not eating. It doesn't feel good, not being able to control your body. Everything going black. I don't like it. How do I fast, or even barely consume calories, without passing out? Obviously I wasn't fasting the right way. What should I change when I try my next fast? I want to continue with Ana, but I want to do things the right way. So many questions.


  1. Um maybe every other day or once a day drink fruit juice or something low in fat like soya milk. I drink soya milk for the energy once in a while because it is high in protein and it gives you energy, fruit juice is just as good though.. Hope you are ok Kylie, have missed you! xxx

  2. That happened to me once.. Now I just hold on to something until I feel okay
